Right Questions for Church Leaders, Volume 1


Leaders do not need answers.
Leaders must have the right questions.

These two sentences introduce “The Right Question,” one of the most popular features in each issue of Leading Ideas,our online newsletter. This column grew out of Director Lovett H. Weems’s realization years ago that leaders spend far too much time trying to figure out the “right answers” to a range of issues facing congregational life while that time would be more profitably used in discerning a few key questions that can change the direction of a church.

In response to requests for a collection of questions used in “The Right Questions” column over the years, we have organized selected ones by topic and offer them in four volumes.

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Right Questions for Church Leaders, Volume 1 is also available for Kindle.

Product Description


Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., distinguished professor of church leadership and director of the Lewis Center


  • The Church’s Purpose
  • Remembering a Ministry’s Purpose
  • Identifying and Supporting Leaders
  • Communication
  • Reaching New Disciples
  • Seeing Your Church as Others Do
  • Reviewing Programs
  • Creative Abandonment
  • Assessing Differing Directions
  • Planning
  • Understanding Your Church’s Identity
  • Knowing What’s Going On
  • Making the Most of Meetings
  • Making Good Decisions
  • Facing Challenges
  • Personal Reflection and Assessment