June 21, 2017 0 Complacent organizations can coast along for years before anyone notices the enormity of the problem — and that coasting is one step away from irrelevancy.Lisa Bodell
June 21, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.Security for children’s areas in the church is receiving increasing attention. Greg Atkinson visits many churches to help them see things as an outsider that the churches may be overlooking. Some of the questions he asks as he reviews children’s space include these related to safety.How easy is it to get to the nursery, classrooms, or child bathrooms?Is there a proper ratio of children’s workers to children?Do the children get escorted out of the classroom and to the bathroom?Is there a back exit or entrance where children can go outside? Is it secure?
June 20, 2017 0 Complacent organizations can coast along for years before anyone notices the enormity of the problem — and that coasting is one step away from irrelevancy.Lisa Bodell
June 20, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.Security for children’s areas in the church is receiving increasing attention. Greg Atkinson visits many churches to help them see things as an outsider that the churches may be overlooking. Some of the questions he asks as he reviews children’s space include these related to safety.How easy is it to get to the nursery, classrooms, or child bathrooms?Is there a proper ratio of children’s workers to children?Do the children get escorted out of the classroom and to the bathroom?Is there a back exit or entrance where children can go outside? Is it secure?
June 13, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.Alan Hirsch uses two questions with churches seeking to revitalize their ministries.If you could start all over again, would you do it the same way?If not, why are you doing it the same way now?
June 6, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.Many leaders, especially those at or near the top of leadership in their organizations, find that they are often insulated from the kinds of critical feedback or clues that previously they relied upon to shape their planning and actions. Hal Gregersen suggests some questions for leaders who think they may be in this situation.How many barriers do people have to cross to talk directly with you?How much of your typical workweek is spent outside your office or organization?In a typical conversation, how many questions do you ask and how many statements do you make?How many times this week have you said, “I don’t know” in response to a question?
May 30, 2017 0 The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.Alice Walker
May 30, 2017 0 There is a temptation to make decisions that seem right in the moment but may not be the best for the future. Suzy Welch has a method to help put immediate feelings in a longer perspective. It is called 10/10/10 and utilizes three questions to ask about decisions.How will we feel about it ten minutes from now?How about ten months from now?How about ten years from now?