Now available for $150.
Who should use LPLI District Superintendent Version?
LPLI District Superintendent Version is designed specifically for district superintendents in the United Methodist Church.
What does LPLI District Superintendent Version cover?
LPLI District Superintendent Version is designed specifically for United Methodist district superintendents and covers 75 indicators of effectiveness drawn from competencies identified in the Book of Discipline as well as others named by superintendents, clergy, laity, and bishops as important. LPLI District Superintendent Version includes many of the indicators and areas of effectiveness that have proven useful to pastors using LPLI Pastor Version, adding others that are unique to the work of superintendents.
These indicators are organized in three broad categories that capture the elements of religious leadership effectiveness:
- Character: who a leader is
- Competency: what a leader knows and does in the diverse areas of their leadership
- Contribution: what a leader accomplishes to advance the mission

LPLI District Superintendent Version is available for $150.
Optional Open-ended Questions
For an additional cost of $500, those using LPLI District Superintendent Version may choose to add up to four open-ended questions to their surveys. This option also includes a narrative report from the Lewis Center about the inventory results and open-ended questions to go along with the LPLI Leadership Profile that is presented online.