Taking Church to the Community


No longer can we simply ask, “What can we do to get people to come to our church?” We must also consider, “How can we go into the world to encounter those in need of the gospel?” Through engaging videos, presentations, and supplemental materials, Taking Church to the Community explores strategies your congregation can use to reach beyond its walls with worship, community events, ministries, and service — meeting community members where they are and moving them toward discipleship.

Taking Church to the Community is ecumenical and designed for both self study and for use with groups in your church.

 Available on download and DVD/CD. Please select format below.

Product Description


Dr. Ann MichelMitchelKimPhoto of Doug PoweDr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Dr. Ann A. Michel, associate director of the Lewis Center
Kim Mitchel, church revitalization consultant
Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr., James C. Logan Professor of Evangelism and Urban Ministry and associate director of the Center for the Missional Church at Wesley Theological Seminary
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., distinguished professor of church leadership and director of the Lewis Center

Video Presentations

Seven Practices of an Outside-in Church (27:30 min)
Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr.
Dr. Powe explores the reasons why focusing exclusively on the attractional approach to evangelism is no longer adequate; instead, it’s important for congregations to reintroduce themselves to their community by taking church to people where they are.

Go Where the People Are (16:52 min)
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Dr. Weems lifts up the need to take church to the community in light of the biblical model for reaching new disciples by engaging people where they are.

Becoming an Interactive Congregation (6:34 min)
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Learn how church leaders can engage two key components of vitality — engaging their distinctive identities as faith communities and engaging the context in which they seek to serve faithfully and fruitfully.

Narrated Presentations

Blessing Your Community (28:45 min)
Dr. Ann A. Michel
How can everyday places in your neighborhood become sanctuaries where people receive spiritual blessing? Learn about unique and creative ways that churches are extending their spiritual presence beyond their own walls.

Discipleship 101: Getting Ready (17:48 min)
Kim Mitchel
Are the disciples of your church ready to engage the community? Do they have the necessary skills needed to listen, serve, and lead community engagement? This presentation provides the tools for discipleship building and specific ways they intersect with how the church sends out its people.

Ministries and Community Engagement: Heading Out! (13:30 min)
Kim Mitchel
What if all our ministries “within the church walls” viewed their programming with an “outside the church walls” lens? What would that look like? How would that change the ministry itself and the people engaged in it? Learn how turning your internal ministries outward can provide life-changing, unexpected experiences.

Reaching Out through Community Events (23:02 min)
Dr. Ann A. Michel
Learn how your church can connect with people in your community through relationship-building “bridge events” that meet people where they are and offer them something they need or want.

Instructional Segments

Seven Practices of an Outside-in Church

  • Video Presentation (27:30 min), Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr., James C. Logan Professor of Evangelism and Urban Ministry and associate director of the Center for the Missional Church at Wesley Theological Seminary


Go Where the People Are

  • Video Presentation (16:52 min), Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership


Becoming an Interactive Congregation

  • Video Presentation (6:34 min), Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership
  • Congregational Engagement Matrix


Blessing Your Community

  • Narrated Presentation (28:45 min), Dr. Ann A. Michel, Associate Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership
  • Outline of Key Points
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Add Off-Site Christmas Eve Services This Year”
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Lattes, Ashes, Prayer, and Conversation”
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Palms in the Park on Palm Sunday”


Discipleship 101: Getting Ready

  • Narrated Presentation (17:48 min), Kim Mitchel, Church Revitalization Consultant
  • Outline of Key Points
  • Authentic Discipleship Ministry Introduction and Philosophy
  • Grow a Disciple — Making Culture in Your Church
  • Practical Ways to Equip Disciples
  • Example of What a Local Church is Doing: Adult Christian Education at Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
  • Resource List


Ministries and Community Engagement: Heading Out!

  • Narrated Presentation (13:30 min), Kim Mitchel, Church Revitalization Consultant
    Outline of Key Points
  • Ideas for Moving Your Ministries into Your Community
  • Worksheet for Mission Engaging Ministries
  • Worksheet for Support Function Ministries
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Take Your Ministries Outside the Walls”
  • Resource List


Reaching Out through Community Events

  • Narrated Presentation (23:02 min), Dr. Ann A. Michel, Associate Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership
  • Outline of Key Points
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Host Bridge Events to Reach New People”
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Connect Community Events to Worship”
  • Resource List


Additional Resources

  • 50 Ways to Take Church to the Community
  • Leading Ideas Article: “The Go-To Church”
  • Leading Ideas Article: “Your Community is Your Congregation”

Additional information


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