July 26, 2016 0 I’ve come to believe that “preaching to the choir” is exactly the right thing to do. If I can help those who already share certain beliefs and dreams sing their song a little clearer, a little more confidently, I know they will take that song back to their networks.
July 26, 2016 0 Alan Roxburgh offers a right question for churches seeking God’s missional future for them:What are the challenges we currently face for which we presently have no answer but must address if we’re to live into God’s future for us?
July 18, 2016 0 Churches rarely spend time debating bad ideas. The challenge is sorting through all the possible good things a church should do to discover just those few things that are right for your particular church and context at this moment. Some questions to consider are: Does this strengthen and reinforce our core mission and values? Will it advance the next faithful step we believe God has for our church? Do we have the capacity to accomplish this without undercutting other ministries? Do the opportunities outweigh the challenges sufficiently to give a reasonable chance of success?
July 18, 2016 0 You cannot exercise power, even for the sake of others, if you do not acknowledge that you have power in the first place.
July 5, 2016 0 A humble leader must find a way to become more charismatic without sacrificing humility. A charismatic leader must find a way to develop humility without sacrificing the ability to move others
July 5, 2016 0 How your church is known in the community is very important in reaching new people. Often those active in another church will suggest your church to new people because they know enough about your church to know that the fit will be better for the newcomers. With that in mind, consider using these questions:For what is your church most known in the community?What are two or three things most people in the community know about your church?
July 1, 2016 0 Complexity is the silent killer of organizations. Bottlenecks and logjams can be avoided when we loosen up and unleash creative impulses. Simplicity works.Robert Schnase
July 1, 2016 0 Reviews, whether for staff or volunteers, tend to be crowded out by other things, especially those reviews that come outside any required annual reviews. Increasingly, churches are finding that building in some “along the way” conversations, ideally quarterly, helps everyone. Questions sometimes used are:What recent success has meant much to you?What is your most important goal in the coming months?What do you need in order to achieve that goal?
June 29, 2016 0 Clif Christopher, an expert on improving financial stewardship, has said that often what appears to be a money problem may have to do with other things. He offers three questions when churches think they have financial problems.Are you sure your problem is money?How good is your worship?How united is your staff?