August 15, 2017 0 Resilience is not something we have a fixed amount of but something we can build — in ourselves, in our children, in our organizations, in our communities.Sheryl Sandberg
August 15, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.Dwight Zscheile, in his book The Agile Church, tells the story of Polaroid’s demise in the wake of digital photography as they focused on their products more than those who used them. He quotes innovation scholar Chris Trimble who said Polaroid “loved its cameras more than its customers.” Trimble then posed this question:Do we love church life more than we love our neighbors?Want more Right Questions? Read Right Questions for Church Leaders.
August 15, 2017 0 The best way to develop leaders is to help them lead. The best way to learn to lead is to accept that help in the here and now.Jennifer Petriglieri and Gianpiero Petriglieri
August 15, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.While metrics are critical for leadership, there is always debate about whether we are measuring the right things. Intel CEO Andy Grove used two questions to determine what his company should measure.Where do I want to go?How will I know I’m getting there?Want more Right Questions? Read Right Questions for Church Leaders.
August 8, 2017 0 Great leaders know that true power is not in how many decisions we can make but in how many people we can influence.Olu Brown
August 8, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.Will Rice explores how technology can enhance ministry in congregations using some “what if” questions:What if someone travelling for business could check in with their small group during the week using video conference?What if someone who can no longer come to church could still be a part of their Sunday school class by using the technology?What if someone who can’t get to the church during the work week could make an appointment to talk to a pastor or staff member via video conference?Want more Right Questions? Read Right Questions for Church Leaders.
August 1, 2017 0 It’s inevitable that historical memory will fade — but not inevitable that we lose the lessons.Rosabeth Moss Kanter
August 1, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.When there is an impasse in a contentious debate, a compromise is found, often one with which no one is pleased. Thomas G. Kirkpatrick suggests some questions to ask before moving to compromise, including:What is the primary issue about which we are differing?What are the goals we each seek?What other options do we have?Want more Right Questions? Read Right Questions for Church Leaders.
July 25, 2017 0 If the same 10 or 15 people have the same conversations about strategy in the same way, new insights will be unlikely.Gary Hamel and Jim Scholes
July 25, 2017 0 Leaders do not need answers.Leaders must have the right questions.There are many ways to determine priorities for effort, time, and finances. One question that many find helpful is:Where and in what ways can we change lives most profoundly?