The Right Start: Pastor’s Version


The Right Start: Group Training Version also available.

The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting is a video-based training resource for clergy preparing to begin ministry in a new setting; the Pastor’s Version is designed for individual use and self study. The resource includes video instructional segments, resources, planning aids, tools, and supplementary materials for planning a successful transition. The current version has been revised and enhanced with new material on the relational aspect of transition, such as how to handle social media and issues of concern to single clergy and associate pastors.

Available on download and DVD/CD. Please select format below.

Product Description


Asa LeeDr. Ann MichelDr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Dr. Asa Lee, associate dean of community life of Wesley Theological Seminary
Dr. Ann A. Michel, associate director of the Lewis Center
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., distinguished professor of church leadership and director of the Lewis Center

The Right Start draws on Dr. Lovett H. Weems’ many years of experience in leading transition workshops across the country as well as the Lewis Center’s research and expertise on pastoral transition.

Subjects Covered

  • Stages of a Pastoral Move
  • Leaving Well and Preparing the Way
  • Entry into a New Setting
  • The Start Up Period
  • The Emotional Dimensions of Transitions
  • Formulating a Personal Transition Plan

Instructional Segments

Introduction: Stages of a Pastoral Move

  • Video Presentation (5 min)
  • Chart on Stages of a Pastoral Move


Leaving Well and Preparing the Way

  • Video Presentation (15 min)
  • Outline
  • Personal Transition Plan Worksheet


Entry into a New Setting (three parts)

Part 1: Stranger in a Foreign Land

  • Video Segment (6 min)
  • Outline


Part 2: Your First Days and Weeks

  • Video Segment (10 min)
  • Outline


Part 3: Avoiding the Predecessor Syndrome

  • Video Segment (5 min)
  • Outline



  • Personal Transition Plan Worksheet


The Start-up Period

  • Video Presentation (18:30 min)
  • Chart on Mission and Vision
  • Outline
  • Personal Transition Plan Worksheet


The Emotional Dimensions of Transition (two parts)

Part 1: The Personal Dimensions of Transition

  • Video Presentation (8 min)
  • Outline
  • “All Things New” by Bishop Sally Dyck


Part 2: The Relational Aspects of Transition

  • Video Presentation
  • Outline
  • Entering as an Associate Pastor
  • Issues Single Clergy Face
  • Social Media and Pastoral Moves



  • Personal Transition Plan Worksheet


Supplementary Resources

  • Four Key Challenges in Pastoral Transitions, article by Lovett H. Weems
  • Moving to a Large Church for the First Time, by Lovett H. Weems
  • Rituals and Liturgies for Ending and Beginning, by Susan Sonnenday Vogel
  • Sermon Starters and Children’s Messages
  • Sample Sermon for a First Sunday, by Michael Roberts
  • 50 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor, a Lewis Center resource for congregations
  • Resource List